The Western Ring Road
Albion to Jacana, Distance: 22km
Region: Western Melbourne
Written up by: U3A Yarra City OYB
Last ridden: 16 August 2016
Cafes | Terrain | Ride Details | Variations | Maps
Checking the direction
The M80 Trail (aka Western Ring Road Trail) is a major cycle connector route across the western and northern suburbs of Melbourne. The ride described here starts at Albion Station and finishes at Jacana Station. Note that a strong north easterly wind makes this ride more challenging.
Initially the ride follows Kororoit Creek Trail, in an attractive reserve before continuing onto the M80 Trail. This trail is in the reserve around the ring road and goes through housing, industry and parklands. It is worth stopping as you cross the Maribyrnong River and looking down into the very deep river gorge and across to Brimbank Park below. At Jacana you may detour to enjoy the nearby wetlands.
Cafes and Toilets
There are cafes at the start of the ride on the other side of Albion Station in City West Plaza. There is a drive through café in Sunshine Avenue about 200m to the left of the road crossing.
The ride is on sealed bike paths and includes a couple of steep climbs.
The path alongside the ring road.
Ride Details
Albion Station to Kororoit Creek Trail, Albion (1.1km)
- The ride starts on the west side of Albion Station.
- Cross Sydney Street and ride along Derrimut Street heading south west - diagonally away from Sydney Street and Ballarat Road.
- At the end of Derrimut Street, turn left into Selwyn Street.
- Follow Selwyn Street until it ends.
- Turn left onto a path leading down to Kororoit Creek ahead.
Kororoit Creek Trail, Albion to M80 Trail, Ardeer (2.5km)
- At the creek turn right onto Kororoit Creek Trail.
- Follow the trail until you reach Ballarat Road.
- Follow the trail around a large bend then away from Ballarat Road. Near a footbridge you meet the M80 (aka Western Ring Road) Trail. Turn right onto the M80 Trail and follow it to Ballarat Road. (DO NOT cross the footbridge.)
- Cross Ballarat Road at the lights and continue on the trail passing under Western Ring Road.
- Cross a bridge and continue straight ahead on the M80 Trail at the next intersection. Here you leave Kororoit Creek.
M80 Trail, Ardeer to Calder Freeway (7.7km)
- Follow the M80 Trail using lights to cross Furlong Road and Sunshine Avenue.
- When the trail reaches Keilor Park Drive, cross at the lights and turn right into Keilor Park Drive to cross the Western Ring Road on the shared footpath.
- Immediately after crossing the bridge turn left back onto the M80 Trail.
- Follow the trail and, in about 1.6km, it goes under the Calder Freeway.
Calder Freeway to Jacana Station (10.6km)
- Continue on the M80 Trail.
- At Melrose Drive cross at the lights and continue straight ahead on Malvern Avenue. The trail continues at the end of this road.
- After about 2.4km the trail goes under the Western Ring Road.
- Turn right immediately after going under Western Ring Road and cross Moonee Ponds Creek.
- Keeping the Western Ring Road on your right, climb a steep hill, first on a trail and then on Eleanor Street to reach Langton Street.
- Turn right onto Langton Street.
- Turn left back onto the M80 Trail. This crosses the railway line via a pedestrian bridge.
- Jacana Station is on your right.
Ride Connections
The ride connects with a number of other rides.
- The start of the ride meets Federation Trail.
- Between Sunshine Avenue and Keilor Park Drive it meets Maribyrnong Exploration.
- Just before Jacana Station it meets Broadmeadows Glide on the Moonee Ponds Creek Trail.
Extend the ride
- by continuing on the M80 Trail (aka Western Ring Road Trail) from Jacana Station to meet Sydney Rd.
- Here the path connects to Capital City Trail West via the Upfield Path.
- Don’t cross Sydney Rd.
- Turn right and ride along the footpath until you meet Box forest Rd.
- Cross Box forest Rd and turn right.
- Ride along the footpath for 100m and then turn left onto the Upfield Path.
- Then follow this to the Capital City Trail near Royal Park.
- Continue past Fawkner on the M80 Trail to connect with Merri Creek Explorer.
- Further along the M80 Trail is the Darebin Creek Trail.
- Or you can go the whole way to Greensborough and connect with The Plenty River.
- Here the path connects to Capital City Trail West via the Upfield Path.
- Melway or Melway Online: Starts at map reference 26 F10
- Google:
- Please click on box with arrow at top left corner to see the map legend.
- Please click on box at top right corner to see the map in Google Maps. You must be logged into Google Maps to do this.